
As the days got closer to our planned camping trip to the Redwood National forest on the Northern coast of California the number of people committing was becoming at lot less than the number of people bailing.....so plans changed and we headed up to the Balkenbush cabin, just an hour out of town, a closer option for people to commit to.

Hannah, Stephen and I rolled out of town on Thursday night and to sleep in a quiet peaceful cabin for the night followed by a day of movie watching and baking....between Hannah and I w

e cooked two batches of cinnamon rolls, two batches of savory pinwheels, a lasagna and a fresh raspberry pie.

Joe and Shanel joined us from Friday night and Micah, his friend Danny and Justin came up for Saturday the final night. It was just such an awesome time of relaxing, movies, camp fires, adventures on the tree swing and time to look up at the carpet of stars above us.

Good Times.....

         Hannah's Birthday cake......it looked yummy!!           Hannah hanging out by the campfire                Stephen and I by the campfire

 Micah playing with his crutches                     Mm mm Hannah likes the cake                                         Atticus....the Anorexic dog!!

Shanelly isn't too warm by the fire               My favourite married couple....Hannah and Stephen                  Justin and Joe hanging out in the kitchen

Tree Swing


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